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Don't Fail Stings! Be Proactive, Not Reactive

During our 19 years in the business, we have had countless customers come to us because of one precipitating event: their retail store failed an alcohol and/or tobacco sting, and they had to pay a fine.


We are proud to say that many of these customers have remained with us ever since because they have realized that our proactive compliance program is a guarantee against any future sting failures. But you don’t have to wait until you fail a sting to come to us! We strongly encourage all retailers of age-sensitive products to be PROACTIVE, not REACTIVE.


Being Proactive Saves You Money and Prevents Stress


If you sell alcohol and/or tobacco, you should expect a sting at some point. In every state and city across the country, enforcement stings for alcohol and tobacco sales are a fact of life. But too many retailers sit back and wait until it happens to them in order to react and change their compliance approach.


Why is this so problematic? A single failed sting can cost a business thousands of dollars. An average first-time offense liquor sting failure will cost your business $3500.


BARS Customers Don’t Fail Stings


All it takes is one employee’s mistake to cost your business serious money. So we recommend taking a proactive approach instead by putting a compliance training program into place. The cost of one failed sting covers monthly service through the BARS program in 10 stores for a whole year, so the math is fairly simple.


When you hire the BARS Program, we make sure that all staff members are on their toes. We will train them to follow company carding policy at all times (we usually recommend an ID Under 35 policy – find out why here – link to blog).


Don’t take chances with your business! Be proactive and put the BARS compliance training program into effect today.


Contact or call 1-877-540-5500 to learn more. 

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