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Headline: The Value of BARS Reporting Program

The value of incorporating the BARS Reporting Program into company culture when it comes to the sale of age-sensitive products such as alcohol and tobacco is both external and internal.  Sharing each and every result from the store visits provided by the BARS Program with the store manager, district supervisor and regional manager will reinforce a culture of using best practices when it comes to carding individuals purchasing these products.  By consistently sharing this message, all employees will become accustomed to carding on each visit, lessening the chances of being caught in a sting.


Externally, using the BARS reporting program can provide value by allowing clients to expand their business by voluntarily implementing our program.  A restaurant chain currently utilizing The BARS Program was recently able to expand with new their liquor licenses to new locations by providing the liquor licensing board with the BARS reports, as well as a letter outlining the program and its implementation.  Many of their competitors are currently on hold for expanding liquor licensing. 


When it comes to reporting, our system is unparalleled, and we encourage everyone selling age-sensitive products to implement a strong culture of carding everyone as soon as possible.  Not only can a sting and fines be avoided, it can help propel a business to the next level.  Contact us today at 1-877-540-5500 for a complimentary consultation.

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